Case Lighting

Primato, Kevin Pittoors, Antwerp, Belgium - Tomatoes, 6 Ha

Hortiplan lighting solution: HPS by Gavita, of which 2.5Ha with Philips LED-Interlights

Kevin was a proud owner of a 6 Ha tomato greenhouse. Upon expanding his business with another 6 Ha, he was looking for a horticulture partner that wanted to share its expertise in effective lighting systems. Kevin's request was clear: He wanted maximum efficiency and the highest quality. Hortiplan analyzed his needs, did a very extensive preliminary study and came up with the right lighting solution for his greenhouse.

Case Franky Galle

Franky Galle, West-Flemish region, Belgium - Tomatoes, 1.6 Ha (2014) + 0.9 Ha (2015)

Hortiplan lighting solution: HPS by Gavita and Philips LED-Interlights for a future proof solution.

Hortiplan executed a first lighting study in 2014 for Franky's existing greenhouse of 1.6 Ha in order to set up a SON-T lighting solution. In those days, growing tomatoes during winter wasn't on the agenda. Therefore, cogeneration for lighting close to a greenhouse wasn't anticipated. Yet, Hortiplan managed to install a lighting solution which limited grid losses to the maximum. The installation of a Hortiplan lighting solution for Franky's second greenhouse one year later was the best proof of a satisfied client.

Case Krist Desmet

Krist Desmet, West-Flemish region, Belgium - Tomatoes, 1.2 Ha (2016) + 2.4 Ha (2018)

Hortiplan lighting solution: HPS by Gavita

In 2016, the Hortiplan team studied a third (1.2 Ha) of the existing greenhouse to meet Krist’s request. He wanted to set up a Hortiplan lighting system to meet the ever increasing demand for quality Belgian tomatoes during winter. This operation was so succesful, it will extend to the remaining two thirds of the greenhouse in 2018.