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Discover the benefits of our Mobile Gully System solutions

The horticultural industry has changed considerably over the years. To stay ahead of new market challenges and changing needs, Hortiplan developed the Mobile Gully System (MGS).

The first MGS was built in 1994 as an ecological alternative to conventional greenhouse cultivation.

By growing plants without soil, hydroponic systems eliminate the risk of soil pollution or contamination. The additional water savings (> 80%) and optimum plant density delivered by the Mobile Gully System enable every grower to contribute to a greener planet.

Additionally, the innovative MGS technology results in a higher density of living greens while using less (ergonomic) labor.

Thanks to its tailor-made design, MGS empowers every professional grower, retailer or investor to meet new expectations, while continuing to grow you will always produce the highest production rates per square meter per year, at the highest yield performance.

Did you know that more than 80% of customers expand their businesses within 2 to 3 years?

However, it does not have to end with the installation of a Mobile Gully System. Hortiplan offers far-reaching automated solutions, in terms of planting and harvesting. As a result, cultivation using an MGS can be compared to a well-organized factory!

Avantages MGS

What is the MGS?

A Mobile Gully System consists of a growing field of plant gullies. The plants (lettuces, herbs, kale, cauliflower etc.) automatically move from the planting area to the harvesting area. Depending on the targeted end weight and cultivar of the crop, Hortiplan designs each MGS specifically to meet your needs. This is why MGS always provides the highest possible plant density at all stages of growth.

A plant in the initial phase is smaller than a plant in the harvesting phase. As a consequence, it does not need that much space compared to a plant just before it is harvested. MGS automatically guarantees that each plant has the optimum space between the gullies, in each stage of growth.

The hydroponic method already offers many advantages compared to traditional farming such as better hygiene, reduced risk of soil contamination and controlled plant nutrition by means of the Nutrient Film Technique. Additionally, our innovative MGS technology creates added value in terms of higher automated space efficiency and labor requirements.

More than 80 % of our customers that build an Hortiplan MGS expand their business within 2 to 3 years!

When you choose a Hortiplan MGS to optimize your cultivation, you benefit from the following advantages:

The advantages of the Mobile Gully System


Because space efficiency is optimized for each plant, the amount produced per square meter can be maximized. • 10 times more plants per square meter with MGS compared to traditional open field cultivation • 5 times more plants per square meter compared to non-Mobile Gully Systems


MGS introduces a “hands-off” approach. Less labor is needed for the harvesting and packing of the crop compared to any other growing method. All processes involve limited actions and are ergonomic. This allows you to work with fewer workers who have fewer physical ailments. Additional automation can reduce labor further. • 10 times less labor requirements with MGS compared to traditional open field cultivation • 5 times less labor requirements compared to non-Mobile Gully Systems

Other advantages of the Mobile Gully System


Only the best is good enough for you and your customers. Thanks to MGS, plants are less susceptible to diseases, because no soil is used. The controlled environment and lack of plant treatment product residues, has an overall positive impact on greenhouse hydroponic crops. It is an answer to many difficulties associated with the production of outdoor specialty crops. Thanks to MGS, growers and retailers can grow with or without a minimum of plant treatment products. MGS garantuees high-quality material in an automated controlled environment and the best quality care (NFT, water and energy), providing you with 100% fresh and healthy greens, all year round.


By growing plants without soil, hydroponics eliminates the risk of soil pollution or contamination. Compared to traditional farming, you also benefit from controlled plant nutrition by means of the Nutrient Film Technique, and additional water savings (> 80%). Using an MGS, the plants are fed by means of a ‘Nutrient Film Technique’ (NFT) recirculating water system. This means that each plant receives the right nutrient recipe and the right amount of water at any stage of the growing cycle via different valve groups. Nutrient-enriched water is injected into the gullies and can only leave the cycle when taken up by the crop. > 80% water savings Recirculated water is treated after each run to prevent waterborne diseases. While moving over the growing field, the gullies always finish in front of a water inlet. As the gullies are sloped, gravity moves the water moves through them. Each crop needs to receive a suitable nutrient solution. Hortiplan can provide the equipment for fertigation. After each watering, water is re-dosed with nutrients and can always be disinfected.


By growing plants without soil, hydroponics eliminates the risk of soil pollution or contamination. The controlled environment provided by MGS helps eliminate parasites, pests and plague levels. Also, human interaction is minimized and very concentrated (typically only at harvest), which limits the presence of virus and bacteria (e.g. e-coli) on the produce.

Vertical & Urban Farming

What if space or financial resources are limited? Or, what if climate conditions are not so favorable? Even in these extreme circumstances, Hortiplan can deliver the right solutions. As your partner in horticulture, Hortiplan will be happy to introduce you to the world of multi-layer farming and/or urban farming.


In certain conditions, vertical farming is a great solution to produce greens indoor. These conditions can include: • Natural: extreme climates, hurricane risks etc. • Financial: in countries where the cost of living is very expensive, or in cases of very high transportation costs • Consumer related: when consumers are willing to pay a significant premium for vertically farmed greens


Urban farming solutions can be multi- or single layer, and offer the following advantages: • Great solution when it comes to repurposing buildings which have been made redundant. • An interesting option for rooftop horticulture. • Provides consumers with healthy and hyper-fresh greens.


Contact us at sales@hortiplan.com !